Visiting Bordentown, NJ

In this VTE, Kathleen K. takes us to Bordentown, NJ - with quaint and charming architecture and gardens, minutes from where George Washington crossed the Delaware River, and the best meal Kathleen has ever had! Many Evergreen members live within an hour drive. She shares a trip that could be a day outing for local members or an Evergreen overnight visit for those living further away. There is even a commuter train and free shuttle service from the station to the main street. The presentation also includes some historical insights from Jack K. 
Be sure to check out the YouTube video at the link below!


View the full Bordentown, NJ presentation on the Evergreen YouTube channel here:


Thank you Kathleen and Jack for sharing with us! Join us on the first Sunday of every month at 7pm EST for more travel presentations. Cheers!