Confidentiality. Information in this Directory and on the Evergreen website is strictly confidential. Members have provided it to help you select and arrange your accommodations. It may not be used for any other purpose. Please ensure that outdated issues of the Directory are disposed of properly.
Arranging a visit. Evergreen Club membership provides the resources for you to connect with interesting, thoughtful people world-wide who will provide you with clean, comfortable sleeping accommodations, a wholesome breakfast, and friendly conversation. The golden rule applies to every visit: be as considerate of guests and hosts as you would want others to be to you.
Avoid misunderstandings. Be sure to pay careful attention when arranging a visit. Take time to carefully write down your guest's / host's name, contact information and date of visit. Put it in a safe place where it will be readily available for reference. If your plans change, be sure to notify your guest / host as soon as possible. This is why adding your cell / mobile number to your profile is a good idea... you're then accessible in the case of unexpected change or emergency.
Reconfirm arrangements with your guest / host a few days before the visit date to be sure everything is going according to plan.
Avoid uncertainty. If you are not ready to make a commitment on your first contact with a host, and need more time before actually scheduling a visit, be sure to let the host know that you are just making an inquiry and that you will be in touch again if you need an accommodation.
Photo Requirements. As of July 2019 we will require all newly joining members to have photos on their profile within 5 days. Upload them yourself, or if you need help, email them to the office to assist with the upload. If the new member doesn't provide their own photos, the Evergreen office will select a free open-source generic photo of that member's city or surrounding area and put it on their profile for them. Existing members are encouraged to put photos on their profile. We prefer pictures of the hosts, home, guest room, bath, and pets. Up to 10 photos may be added at any time.
Expectations. You are a guest in someone's home, not a 5-star hotel. Don't expect hosts to accommodate late night arrivals, special diets, or to provide room service. And be sure to tote your own luggage.
Membership Verification. A photo ID such as a driver's license or passport is sufficient to confirm a guest's identity if you feel the need to do so.
Gratuities. A gratuity is like a tip. It's a modest way to express appreciation and help reimburse hosts for any out-of-pocket expenses they may have incurred in preparing for your visit. Guests naturally want to express appreciation for the hospitality they receive, especially since there is no charge for Evergreen accommodations. To facilitate this, a standard gratuity is payable to your host at each visit. Please present the gratuity upon arrival so it won't be forgotten in the flow of events. Have the exact denominations.
The standard world-wide gratuity is USD $15 for a single traveler or $20 for a couple per day. A couple gratuity is when both people occupy the same guest room. When two guests each occupy separate guest rooms, they would each be considered a "single" so that's $15/person per night. When the gratuity is paid in foreign currency, it should be of equal value in USD. Ask your host ahead of time what currency they prefer.
Healthy Visits. If you're feeling a bit under the weather before or even during a visit, discuss the situation with your host / guest. It's better to make alternative arrangements than to cause undue concern about one's well-being.
Happy Visits. We're sure you know better, but it probably bears repeating. A word to the wise: Don't allow friendly conversations to skid downhill by pushing personal views on politics, religion, sports, etc. Also, it is unacceptable to use Evergreen visits as a means of promoting business or a special cause.
Timely Departures. Many hosts are employed or serve as volunteers and may not be able to afford you substantial attention aside from basic hospitality. Please arrange a soon-after-breakfast departure when a host's code-string includes the letter "B" (i.e., timely departure please).
Non-Members. A member listed in the directory or online may be accompanied by a non-member guest(s). The host must agree to accommodate the non-member. The host may request a higher gratuity for a non-member guest. This is all to be worked out between the host and the guest ahead of time.
Current membership. Listings include the month/year for a membership's renewal. (EXP: 03/2019) Since the Print Directory is published once a year in July, it's possible that someone has joined or renewed their membership but it's not yet reflected in the Print Directory. Directory Supplements are emailed in November and March with new member information. Always verify current membership. It's best to check online: the Map is in real time; the Directory is updated the 1st business day of each month. Members from 1982-04.11.11 automatically receive Directories; otherwise they are available for $15 from the office.
Smoking and Alcohol. If members smoke, we indicate that in their listings with the code "4". Otherwise, all accommodations are non-smoking, meaning that guests may not smoke inside the home. Also, do not take alcohol into your host's home.
No-Shows. It's unacceptable to arrange a visit and then fail to arrive on schedule. It can be equally disappointing to arrive for a visit and discover that your host is not at home! The best way to avoid either scenario is to be sure, when arranging a visit, that both parties are clear about the arrangements.
If your plans should change, make every effort to notify your host (or guest) as soon as possible. Untimely arrivals and last-minute cancellations are unacceptable except in cases of emergency.
We realize it's not always easy at the driver's end. Trying to find your way in unfamiliar territory or running into rush hour traffic or unexpected detours may cause delays or even necessitate a change of plans. But remember, someone is waiting for you. Your hosts have graciously prepared for your arrival and even planned tomorrow's breakfast. They're probably watching the clock right now in anticipation of your arrival. So if there's a delay, be sure to keep them informed of your progress. Be sure you have each other's cell phone numbers so you can stay in contact during the crucial hours before your arrival. You may even need to ask the host to guide you by phone those last few miles.
Occasionally, the host has a last minute change-of- plans – a family emergency or whatever. We know of at least one host who had her adult children (who lived nearby) stand in for her when she had to be away unexpectedly. Even a trusted neighbor might be enlisted as a substitute host at the last minute.
Length of Stay. Visits are limited to three days, but hosts can make exceptions if they wish.
Special Amenities. Some hosts offer assistance with transportation and sightseeing. Some even serve home-cooked meals in addition to breakfast. But these amenities are not included in the Evergreen gratuity. When accepting such services, they shouldn't be taken for granted. It is always appropriate to offer the host additional compensation. There's no charge for the use of WIFI, or kitchen and laundry privileges, but if they are available, please use them sparingly.
Problem-solving. Members of the Evergreen Club have enjoyed a fairly consistent standard of friendly hospitality and unique accommodations for almost 4 decades. You can help us maintain that standard by letting us know when something seems to be amiss. We will address the situation discreetly. Issues should not be ignored, especially if they're likely to be repeated. If timidity tempts you to "let it go," you won't be doing anyone a favor. Please help us ensure that the Evergreen standard of hospitality remains top-notch.
Renewals. 8, 6, and 2 weeks before your member-ship is due for renewal, you'll receive an email notice with a link for renewing online with a credit card, using our secure server. A renewal link appears on your Lounge page during this time. You may also renew with a check by mail if you prefer. An early renewal applies 12 months to the renewal date. Please note that online membership profiles become inactive on the due date if the renewal has not been received.
Contact us! We love to hear from you. Don't hesitate to email us or call if you have questions or concerns. Stories and photos are always welcome too.
Email: info@evergreenclub.com
Please note our mailing address:
The Evergreen Club 2818 Westridge Ave Carrollton, TX 75006